On TV Tonight: Sweeney Vs. Grijalva!

Sweeney!Tune into Arizona Illustrated this evening for the Great Grijalva-Sweeney Debate of ’08!

I joined Arizona Illustrated anchor Bill Buckmaster for the debate between Democratic Congressman Raul Grijalva and Republican Joe Sweeney, who has been disowned by the Pima County Republican Party for his occasional loony racist and anti-Semitic mutterings.

The candidates tackle the economic crisis and, of course, illegal immigration. Also, Sweeney doesn’t have very nice things to say about Arizona Republican National Committeeman Bruce Ash.

The show airs at 6:30 p.m. and repeats early tomorrow morning, at 12:30 and 5:30 a.m.

UPDATE: You can now watch the debate online.

Sweeney Ties!

Sweeney!Joe Sweeney, the perennial congressional candidate who has been disowned by the Republican Party this year because of his occasional loony racist and anti-Semitic mutterings, might end up being a GOP committeeman.

Sweeney, who is challenging Democratic Congressman Raul Grijalva, ended up in a tie in the September primary for a precinct committeeman slot with Daniel P. Szewczyk. Both men got six votes.

The Pima County Board of Supervisors will have to have a drawing of lots of determine the winner of the race at their meeting this Tuesday.

No word yet on whether they’ll flip a coin, draw cards from a deck or play Rock, Paper, Scissors. Might we suggest a game of Crazy Eights?

UPDATE: We understand that the matter will be settled in the Thunderdome! TWO MEN ENTER, ONE MAN LEAVES!

Just kidding, Mad Max fans. Two names will go into hat—we hope it’s a nice big sombrero in Sweeney’s honor–and someone will pull the winner out. We nominate John Brakey so he can simultaneously audit the (s)election.

We’re trying to track down Pima County Republican Party chair Judi White for a comment, but she hasn’t been very interested in talking to us lately.